by Karlyn Ankrom | Mar 5, 2024 | Podcasts
What is REALLY stopping you from creating video? Whether it is the thought of being on camera, the lack of story ideas, or the tech that is holding you back, tune in for this episode of Strategy Talks! I had the pleasure of watching Karlyn teach this from the stage...
by Karlyn Ankrom | Jan 11, 2024 | Branding, business strategy, Marketing, sales, sales strategy, Social Media
A few weeks back I was watching some social media peeps wax lyrical about how businesses shouldn’t be using their social media accounts to sell: they should be totally community focused instead of product focused. But friends, as much as I’m sure your favorite brand...
by Karlyn Ankrom | Oct 6, 2023 | Connection, Need to Know, Oh Snap! News, Social Media
Welcome to Quarter 4. Enter all the phrases like, “this year flew by…” and “can you believe its already the end of the year.” This time of year I’m not just decorating for fall, consuming #PumpkinEverything and deciding whether or not I’m going to convince my husband...
by Karlyn Ankrom | Sep 28, 2023 | Connection, Need to Know, Oh Snap! News, Social Media
There’s a saying on the-site-formerly-known-as-Twitter that the internet has a main character every day – and that your job is not to be it. Those are fine words to live by. But look, if you spend enough time on social media, you’re going to mess up. Your mistake...
by Karlyn Ankrom | Sep 19, 2023 | business strategy, Need to Know, Oh Snap! News, Social Media
The other day I was flicking through IG stories when an ad for a craft market came up. Ooh! Who doesn’t love a craft market? But unfortunately the ad – though very pretty – was majorly elusive when it came to details. It listed the name of the venue that the craft...