It’s Time to Glow Up! 3 Tips for Capturing Pro Selfies and Video Content Without a Stylist

It’s Time to Glow Up! 3 Tips for Capturing Pro Selfies and Video Content Without a Stylist

At Oh Snap! we’re always preaching that being yourself is the way to go. That’s because the best-performing content is where you’re just being you – and not trying to look or sound like anyone else.  With years of experience in talent management, our Community...
Got Hacked? Here’s How to Get Your Account Back

Got Hacked? Here’s How to Get Your Account Back

If you’ve logged into your Instagram recently to find a bunch of messages from friends saying “um…I think you’ve been hacked”, welp. Bad news, friend. You have. In the words of disco legends CHIC, it’s time to “ahhhhh, freak out!” via GIPHY After all, sending out a...
And We’re Rolling! How To Create Live Video Without The Cringe Factor.

And We’re Rolling! How To Create Live Video Without The Cringe Factor.

Ah, I love how I look and sound on camera, said no one ever (okay, except maybe Brad Pitt). Creating video content is still a hurdle for content producers, and live video is extra scary. But it has to be done, friends. The algorithms your content lives and dies by...