When to Hire an Agency over a Virtual Assistant For Your Social Media Needs

When to Hire an Agency over a Virtual Assistant For Your Social Media Needs

As a small business owner, you’ve got a ton on your plate. No wonder you want to grab your business owner’s fork and slide some of it onto someone else’s. And at the top of most business owners’ delegation to-do list? Social media. Look, social is mega-important for...
Go Live, Laugh, Love: Benefits of Going Live on Social Media

Go Live, Laugh, Love: Benefits of Going Live on Social Media

You’ve seen those Live alerts popping up on your social, but you’re not sure about taking the plunge yourself. Like sure, video gets the highest engagement across all of social media, but Live—eep, that’s a whole new world. What if you forget everything you know about...
Got Hacked? Here’s How to Get Your Account Back

Got Hacked? Here’s How to Get Your Account Back

If you’ve logged into your Instagram recently to find a bunch of messages from friends saying “um…I think you’ve been hacked”, welp. Bad news, friend. You have. In the words of disco legends CHIC, it’s time to “ahhhhh, freak out!” via GIPHY After all, sending out a...
And We’re Rolling! How To Create Live Video Without The Cringe Factor.

And We’re Rolling! How To Create Live Video Without The Cringe Factor.

Ah, I love how I look and sound on camera, said no one ever (okay, except maybe Brad Pitt). Creating video content is still a hurdle for content producers, and live video is extra scary. But it has to be done, friends. The algorithms your content lives and dies by...