Fabulous at 4! Let’s Make Some Birthday Magic Together!

by | Jul 6, 2022 | Entrepreneurship, Oh Snap! News

I can’t believe it’s been 4 years since Oh Snap! Social swapped its side hustle shoes for a pair of full-time fancy pants! 

This past year has been one of serious growth mode. We’ve been so busy leveling up with new client projects and new team members that we whizzed right past our 3rd birthday! But we’re here now and ready to blow out some candles.

Here are the wishes I made on our last birthday that have come true today:

1. Lead like a pro.

It’s a scary job, but someone has to do it. A business can’t navigate the waters of growth alone – it needs someone steering the ship (yep, just like your social strategy). Some people might be born leaders, but most of us have learned how to do it. And now, four years into this, I’m feeling pretty good about taking to the helm. 

2. Become a whiz at operations.

I thought mastering social media marketing strategy was impressive, but turns out that running a growing business requires a ton of other expertise and self-awareness. You have to know what you’re good at and where to hire other experts to help you level up. This past year, I hired an Integrator to the team who has helped me focus on handling the business operations side of things and making sure our SOPs are foolproof, which I’m realizing is always a work in progress. 

3. Empower a killer team.

Gone are the days when it was just me wearing all the hats. In four years we’ve grown into a seriously impressive posse of peeps with enough expertise and experience that things chug along seamlessly. It’s a thing of beauty. When you’ve got a team this good, letting go of the reins has gotten WAY easier for this control freak!

4. Give clients the best.

Your experience is what it’s all about. You deserve our best, and at Oh Snap! Social we’re constantly pushing the boundaries of our skills, knowledge and capacity. We’ve strategically grown our team to include every complementary superpower that you need (with our powers combined we are basically Captain Planet) and we’ve leaned in to listening and learning. Your feedback shapes what we do. 

5. Work with who we love.

We love it when we “get” a client, and they “get” us back. This past year we’ve really identified the people and companies we adore working with and which part of our service offerings give each the best result. We’re not a perfect fit for everyone, but when that alignment is there, sparks fly – and so does the social media engagement. Check out our signature method, The Fan Firestarter Framework

6. Bonus wish: welcome a new boss to the team!

On top of navigating all of the above, I’m super excited to introduce my new co-CEO – Baby A, due later this month! Her arrival will add a whole new layer and dynamic to the above growth opportunities, and I’m absolutely overjoyed to think about all of the moments and milestones ahead.


Now on to my Academy Award-like acceptance speech where I get to thank amazing people in my life publicly!

To the Oh Snap! Team

Thank you for all of your heart, hustle and hard work! You’ve embraced all the change that this journey entails (along with tech-be-teching moments) like absolute champs. You never fail to bring your innovation, ideas and positive vibes to clients and each other, and I love what we’ve built together. I’m looking forward to seeing you all soar together as I step back for a few months and you all uplift each other and shine! Let’s go!

To our Oh Snap! Clients

A huge round of appreciation to you for growing with us and trusting us with your brands. It’s an absolute honor to be the ones you call on for something so important. So many of you have been with me since the very beginning, and I’m excited to see your brands continue to snowball as our expanded, expert team assists with projects, campaigns, and beyond! 

To the hubs

I’m going to have to email this to him so he can see it. My social media-less hubs (that’s his personal brand) has been my #1 cheerleader since day one, and a huge part of why Oh Snap! Social continues to build and thrive. He’s there on the hard days to lend a hug and words of affirmation. He’s there on the good days to share a “congratulations” and participate in kitchen dance parties. He’s there to bring this workaholic back to reality and out of my phone and laptop — an ongoing challenge that I appreciate him daily for doing.

It’s been a grand four years, but we’re just getting started. When you’ve got this much drive and this much fire, there’s no pumping the brakes. No way! We’re going to continue to grow – and we want to help you do the same! If you’re ready to shout about your business to the world the way we have here, drop us a line. We’ll help you build a social media strategy that will make the world sit up and take note.