Thought Leaders: Social Media Bringing Anxiety Rather Than Joy?

by | Jul 12, 2024 | Content Creation, Entrepreneurship, Social Media Strategy

Let’s be real for a moment: social media can sometimes feel like a daunting task when you’re juggling writing deadlines, building your brand and managing a business all at the same time! But guess what? Social media gets to be fun! It’s not meant to be a chore. It’s there to help serve as the extension of who you are both as a thought leader in your industry and as an individual beyond the pages of your book or your talks. 

In this blog, we’re diving into the 4 C’s that have been game-changers for me and my clients who put them in place. If you’re ready to send the Imposter Monster packing and start showing up consistently online you’re totally in the right place. Ready? Let’s get starte

Consistency is Key

You know the saying, “Practice makes perfect”? Well, it’s spot on! The more you practice storytelling and creating video content, the better you get. Think of it like refining your writing craft or finally nailing that plot twist – the more you do it, the more natural it feels. Start small, stay consistent, and before you know it, you’ll be connecting with readers and sharing your literary journey like a pro!

When you show up consistently, not only do you get better, but your audience also starts to trust and look forward to your posts. It’s like building a virtual book club where your readers are excited to see your latest writing tips, snippets, and author insights. So, keep at it, and remember, every post is a step toward mastery.

Condition Your Feeds

Want more positivity in your feed? Start interacting with positive content! The algorithms are like genies, granting you more of what you engage with. Show some love to the posts that inspire you, make you laugh, and uplift your spirit.
And let’s be real – we all have those accounts that trigger our imposter syndrome. Mute or hide them! I’ve done it, and it’s worked wonders for kicking imposter syndrome to the curb all these years. Your social media space should be a haven of positivity and inspiration. Curate it to reflect the energy you want in your life. Out with the negative, in with the positive vibes!

Continue to Focus

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to lose sight of your WHY. Why did you start writing? Why were you drawn to your industry? Book writing? Being a thought leader? Your WHY is your North Star. 

Whenever you feel overwhelmed or lost, take a step back and revisit your WHY. Write it down, create a vision board, or even record a video to remind yourself. Staying connected to your purpose will keep you motivated and focused, even on the toughest days when you want to burn it all down. 

It Takes Time! 

Sure, none of these 4 C’s are instant overnight habits that can form, but just like creating content keeping them top of mind at all times allows you to form a habit and it gets easier!

So if you remember nothing else from this blog. Remember this:

Ahem… social media is supposed to be gasp fun! 😲
Following accounts that give you FOMO? 😕 Unfollow.
Following accounts that create more anxiety? 😫 Toodles.
Following accounts that bubble up comparison? 👋  Sayonara.
Following accounts that put you in a blech or ugh mood?🫡 Adios. 

Instead, find accounts that:
✨Inspire you
✨Bring you joy
✨Make you laugh
✨Add value to your life

And next time you go to create content for your audience, remember that they’re looking for content that does the same thing!