It’s the most wonderful time of the year: ie, when we check those social stats

by | Nov 16, 2022 | Branding, Digital Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Media, Need to Know, Social Media, Social Media Strategy

We’re making a list, and we’re checking it twice…we’re gonna find out who’s been posting some spice. And by spice, we mean killer social media content. 

Look, I know you’re busy thinking about pumpkin pie and caroling, but believe me when I say ‘tis the season to check those social media analytics. If your analytics account is looking a little dusty, now is the time to dust it off and make sure you’re on the right track for the coming year. 

Are your social stats jingling, ring ting tingling?

Working through your social media stats can tell you a ton about your strategy, where you’re investing your energy, and whether you’re heading in the right direction with it all. Grab some eggnog, dig deep into your analytics, and find out:

– What people are engaging with. Post popping off? Reel going viral? Use analytics to see exactly what’s drawing people in, and what that means for both your social strategy and your overall business plan. You might identify some business opportunities to tap into over the coming year.

– Sign up and conversion rates. Having a hit social media presence is great. But the goal is to get people moving from social to your website/mailing list. Your stats can show you how well that’s happening – and give you a sense of where you can improve that funnel. You don’t need huge numbers on social to make social work for you – but you do need to make sure that those click-throughs are happening!

– Where to spend your energy. Maybe you’re heavily focused on Facebook or Instagram, but TikTok is where your engagement is happening. Or perhaps you’re spending hours making Reels, but your LinkedIn posts are the things delivering those high-value B2B clients. Crunching the numbers can help you see where the ROI is, so that you can spend your time accordingly. 

– How things are changing. Social media is a massively changeable landscape. (Look at how things at Twitter have shifted in just a week.) Your stats can give you a sense of the future of each platform, and what changes you should make to stay relevant in the coming year.

The weather outside is frightful, but Oh Snap!’s services are so delightful…

If stats aren’t your thing or you’re not fiendishly reading every single TechCrunch social media article or @Mosseri post the way we are, don’t stress – Oh Snap! is here with bells on (and probably a Santa hat, too). We can help you wade through those numbers to identify what you’re doing right, and where things can change. From campaign development to launches to goal setting, we’re pros at making social media a high-impact part of your sales funnel. 

Ready to get your 2023 social media strategy off on the right foot? Book an Oh Snap! social Pulse Check. We’ll help you break down the numbers, creative positive brand interactions and conversations – and attract those dream customers. Even Santa can’t promise to deliver that.