The Top 7 Social Media Mistakes Authors Make (and How to Fix Them)

by | Sep 26, 2024 | Authors, Branding, Content Creation, Digital Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Social Media, Social Media Strategy

Navigating social media as an author can feel overwhelming. You’re balancing the need to promote your book, engage with readers, and maintain your brand, all while staying authentic. But, mistakes are part of the journey. The good news? You don’t have to fix everything at once. By gradually improving your strategy, you’ll be able to build a stronger, more engaged audience and elevate your expertise and book’s visibility over time. Let’s dive into some common mistakes authors make and how to begin addressing them.

Mistake #1: Over-Promotion

When it comes to social media, one of the biggest mistakes authors make is over-promotion. Constantly pushing your book can exhaust your audience, leading them to tune out. As excited as you are about your book, your followers don’t want to be bombarded with “buy my book” posts every time they check their feed. It can make you seem like a salesperson rather than the expert and storyteller you are.

How to Fix It:
Start by balancing promotional posts with value-driven content. Share behind-the-scenes insights from your writing process, the places you’re traveling, or even what inspired certain parts of your book. This way, you’re offering something valuable while subtly reminding your audience about your book without overwhelming them. Gradually, you’ll find a rhythm where you can promote your work without being too pushy.

Mistake #2: Thinking You’re Done Once You Hit Publish

Many authors believe that once their book is written, the hard part is over. They think, “I’ve written it, now it’s time to relax and watch the sales roll in.” Unfortunately, writing the book is only half the battle—getting it into the hands of readers is the other half. Marketing your book, whether you’re in the pre-launch, launch, or even post-launch phase, is an ongoing process.

How to Fix It:
Recognize that social media, as part of your marketing strategy, is a long-term game. Your book deserves consistent attention, even months or years after its release. By continuing to share your journey and reintroducing your book to new audiences, you maintain momentum. It’s not about posting for the sake of posting, but strategically keeping your book (and ultimately thought leadership) alive in the eyes of potential readers. Slowly build a marketing calendar that fits into your schedule, and continue promoting your work in fresh, engaging ways.

Mistake #3: Not Repurposing Media Mentions

Authors often land incredible opportunities—whether it’s being featured on a podcast, in a digital article, or on TV—but forget to share these expert moments on social media. Missing out on the chance to repurpose these media mentions means losing out on valuable content that can further establish your authority and expand your reach.

How to Fix It:
Take those interviews, quotes, or appearances and maximize them on your platforms.


  • Use clips from video interviews for Reels or other short form content
  • Take segments from a podcast interview and create branded audiograms 
  • Create quote graphics from insightful moments
  • Snap screenshots of articles and share in Instagram Stories.

    These media features build credibility, so don’t let them collect dust sitting on your digital shelf. 

Make it a habit to regularly reshare these moments across your social channels, giving them new life. Psst! It’s also totally acceptable to share these media mentions more than once, k?

Mistake #4: Outdated or Poor-Quality Headshots

A pixelated, outdated headshot can make an author seem unprofessional and disconnected from their current brand. If your profile picture is still partying like it’s 1999, it’s time for an update. Consistency is key in building a recognizable author brand, and that starts with how you present yourself visually.

How to Fix It:
Invest in a new, professional headshot that reflects your current brand and identity as an author. A fresh image is a perfect opportunity to update all your profile pictures across platforms, ensuring a cohesive and polished look. This simple step can make a big impact on how your audience perceives you and your work.

Mistake #5: Not Investing in Professional Brand Images

Beyond just a headshot, professional brand images are essential to conveying consistency and credibility. These visuals help create an immediate connection with your audience, showing them that you take your work seriously. Just like a well-designed book cover can draw readers in, high-quality brand images will enhance your online presence and give you that expert edge.

How to Fix It:
Consider investing in a set of professional brand images that you can use across your website, social media, and promotional materials. Think of these as an extension of your personal brand—they should reflect your tone, style, and the message of your book. Over time, this investment will help reinforce your authority and make you more recognizable to your audience.

Mistake #6: Posting Controversial or Off-Brand Content

In an election year, or during highly charged events, it’s easy to feel pressured to join in on the conversation. But for authors, sharing political or off-brand content can be a mistake, leading to alienation of your audience. Readers come to you for your stories and expertise, not for personal opinions that might clash with their own.

How to Fix It:
Stay true to your brand and values. Your social media content should align with the image and message you’ve cultivated as an author. Before posting, ask yourself if the content serves your audience or strengthens your position as a storyteller and expert. Staying on-brand will ensure you keep the trust you’ve worked hard to build.

Mistake #7: Not Personalizing Your Content

Generic content that doesn’t offer personal insights can make it difficult for readers to connect with you. Readers crave authenticity—they want to know the person behind the pages. Authors who only share polished, impersonal updates miss out on opportunities to build a deeper connection with their audience.

How to Fix It:
Share more behind-the-scenes content. Document that journey! Show your audience the challenges you face during the writing process, the traveling you’re doing to your upcoming speaking gig, or talk about what inspires you. It doesn’t have to be overly personal, but letting your readers into your world will make them feel more connected and engaged because you’re showing up as a HUMAN! Over time, this vulnerability can build a loyal, invested audience.

Know Your Audience and Build Slowly

One key to addressing these mistakes over time is knowing your audience. Social media isn’t a one-size-fits-all tool. Different audiences respond to different types of content, so it’s important to take the time to understand who you’re trying to reach and what resonates with them. As you experiment with new strategies, pay attention to what gets the most engagement and feedback. Then, gradually tweak your approach.

Seeking that clarity to level up your digital presence with confidence? Email me: hello at to join the waitlist of our new offer tailored specifically for authors like you! 

The best part? You don’t have to fix all these mistakes at once. Slowly implement these changes, focus on building relationships, and stay true to your brand and values. Over time, you’ll create a social media presence that reflects your identity as an author and helps you connect deeply with your readers.

By avoiding these common mistakes and continuously refining your strategy, you’ll be well on your way to expanding your reach and growing your audience. Happy posting!